Bees (and other species)

INK Collective

‘Bees (and other species)’ is Ink’s first project together. Bees (and other species) are vital as pollinators, maintaining Earth’s ecosystems, biodiversity and the agriculture that sustains humanity. Yet bee numbers are dramatically falling: worldwide a third of wild bee species are in decline, and in Britain 97% of wildflower meadows have gone. Although gradual changes can be difficult to see, indicator species like bees act as environmental barometers, revealing changes in the health of the natural world.

Ink photographers each explore a different aspect of humanity’s connections to and reliance on bees (and other species). Ink examines issues including the value of nature in urban settings, habitat loss, our dependence on bees for food production and the importance of the work of conservationists.

Ink questions the potential ‘tipping point’ humanity has reached within the fragile natural world, considers lessons we can learn from our current state of uncertainty and contemplates the opportunities for action now.


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